Sunday, May 07, 2006

I wish it would rain...

So, here it is...Sunday, May 7th. Yesterday was a full day - in the morning, I helped my mother move some heavy items from one apartment to another; in the afternoon my oldest sister had a "drop-in" celebration of her 25th wedding anniversary (which isn't actually for another 2 weeks), and I had "shuttle duty" for an hour or so; my mother planned a very small birthday celebration for my grand-mother (she turns 90) in the early evening; and my brother and I finished moving the last 3 heavy items later that night. I'm tired. But I still have laundry to do, bills to pay, work tomorrow...not to mention the house is a mess, the lawn needs mowed, my yard perimeter is full of weeds, trees need trimming, blackberry vines need hacking...

But then, I wasn't going to mention them.

I need a vacation.

They say you're only as old as you feel. Most days, I still only feel 26, even though I haven't been 26 for sometime now. Not today. Today I feel 197. I feel exhausted, worn out, spread a word, "old". Seems like everyone's wanting something from me. "Can you do this?" "I need your help with that." "Would you mind helping out with this?" "I could really use a hand with that." It's not that I mind helping - I don't...really. But there is only so much one person can do before they disintegrate into a pile of dust.

I'm not there yet.

At least, I don't think I am.

I should get out of the house for a while. Maybe go for a walk. Yes, that would be nice. A nice walk in the rain - I like those. But alas, it's not raining. 'Twas supposed to rain today though - but it hasn't. At least not yet.

Ah well, 'twould be a cold rain anyway...


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