Friday, January 29, 2010

Forced Post

I'm forcing myself to post something today. Why? I don't know. I don't really have a specific topic in mind.

I thought about posting about some basic economics, how raising taxes in a recession is one of the worst things you can do, but I think I'll save that for another time. On a related note, I was going to post about the stupidity of "people" (as a collective, not individuals), but I think I'll also save that for another time. How are those topics related? Through elections, which we in Oregon recently had and the results of which really tick me off. Mind you, the outcome was not a surprise, but it still ticks me off. And I think I need to cool-down a little before tackling that post. Idiots.

Ah well.

So here I am, trying to think of some topic off the top of my head and I'm failing miserably. Hmmm...has anyone every failed ecstatically?

So what to do, what to do. I suppose I could mention that I'm thinking about tweaking my blog layout. Why a "standard" HTML document looks different under IE8 than it did under IE7, which looked different under IE6, I don't understand. The document hasn't changed, so why has its look? How can a standardized format "change" from one browser version to the next? Sheer stupidity. Which I guess kind of brings me back to one of my earlier statements. Morons.

I often ask myself why I have to deal with idiots and morons. My only answer is "Because they are everywhere - you can't get away from them."

And I'm sure they think the same about me. At least some of the time.

But they are wrong.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

First Post of 2010

So my friend Hcatty thinks my blog is better than hers. That's kind of her, but I don't know that it's true. I certainly wouldn't say mine's better (modesty forbids such a thing – hehehe), just...different.

Everybody has their own style of writing, telling stories, relating information, and what have you. Yes, I do know that I seem to have a talent (for lack of a better word) for writing. But back in school, I hated writing assignments. I always received good marks (in fact, one writing assignment in college earned me an A-; one of only 2 in the entire class and no higher marks), but I hated them. Maybe it's because I was forced to do them, as opposed to wanting to do them. I don't know.

Still, despite my, shall we say, “rather less than enthusiastic attitude” towards English (as a subject), I seem to have managed to learn how to use it properly (most of the time, anyway) in speech and writings. Though some may disagree, but I think part of that is because “they” have changed some rules from when I learned. An example is the rules for using “apostrophe s”. Today it is apparently acceptable (I'll not use the word “proper” because I disagree with the change made) to simply throw an “ 's “ at the end of any word to make it possessive. I was taught that if the word ended in a “s” (or even sounded like it ends in an “s” - like “cockatrice”), you just put an apostrophe, without the additional “s” (e.g. “Cockatrice' claws are sharp.” or “Peter was one of Jesus' apostles.”).

So why the change? Because people are lazy and stupid and “they” seem to be willing to stoop down to the lowest common denominator rather than lift everyone up to higher standards (my opinion – you don't like it, fine; you don't have to agree). I refuse to adopt this change because it looks absolutely stupid. Take some recent movie (and book) titles: “Bridget Jones's Diary” (in proper English: “Bridget Jones' Diary”) or even worse: “My Boss's Daughter” (in proper English, “My Boss' Daughter”). Is it really so hard to remember that you add only the apostrophe and leave the frick'n additional “s” off if the word ends (or even sounds like it ends) in an “s”? Really? Apparently so (I refer back to my opinion above).

Ok, I'll get off of my soapbox...for now.

Not that any of that has anything to do with blogs. Not that blogs have anything to do with this post (other than the fact it's in a blog). And not that this post has anything to do with anything.