Monday, July 01, 2013

The Return of the TubaMeister

Wow - so it's been about 8 months since my last post.  Time flies.  It was not my intention to be away for so long.  Ah well, such is life.  My hope is that I won't have such a long absense again.  But I won't rule out the posibility.  I mean, sometimes it feels like such a chore and I don't feel like doing it.

So - I've missed Christmas, New Year's, "Love Sucks Day", St. Patrick's Day, Easter, Memorial Day, the Summer Solstace, and probably a myriad of "other" days as well.  Independence Day is but a few days away - maybe (that's "maybe") I'll do another post then.

There's also other stuff to talk about.  Like "minimum wage" and the theory that it needs to be raised to around $16/hr and not have it impact overall price costs.  Yeah, right.  70 years of actual, real-world, repeatable, imperical data (which shows this to be false) should beat theorietical data based on models and simulations every day of the week (and twice on Sunday) - unfortunately, it doesn't.

But that is a topic for another day.  For now, know that "I'm back!"

...not that anyone really cares, one way or the other.  But there it is.


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