Tuesday, January 31, 2012

2012 - Last Year on Earth?

The world is ending; this much is true. But will it end this year? Maybe. There's been a lot of hype about the supposed "Mayan prophecy" that tells of the world's ending on December 21, 2012. The problem is, according to many scientist that have studied Mayan culture, there is no such prophecy. But surely, we can all agree that the Mayan calendar stops on December 12, 2012, right? Well, yes...and no...and "maybe".

You see, the Mayan calendar is made up of two circular "rings" for counting days - a "short-count" and a "long-count". I forget how often the short-count ring "resets", but it's the long-count ring that "ends" on December 21, 2012...maybe. The "maybe" part come into play because there is some disagreement on whether the translations into our modern day Gregorian calendar are accurate - some have said it is off by as much as 100 years (give or take). But setting that aside, let's assume that the calculations are correct - then yes, indeed the last day of the long-count calendar is December 21, 2012. But that just means that a new long-count cycle will begin the very next day. So, yes the current long-count cycle does "end", but that is not the same as "stopping", thus, no it does not "stop", but starts a new cycle, and all this is assuming the translations are correct which brings us back to "maybe".

Of course, there is another "end of the world theory" (which I have not heard for some time now) that says something to the effect that if you measure the length of the main hall in the Great Pyramid (of Egypt) in inches (at least, I think it is in inches), and starting with the year the Great Pyramid was completed, each "change in height" of the hall corresponds to some world event and the date at the end of the hall is sometime in 2012 (possibly even December 21, 2012 - but I really don't remember the specifics).

So all "signs" point to this year being the last year, right? Perhaps, perhaps not. Will the world end? Yes. Will it be on December 21, 2012? Honestly I really doubt it. Then again, every day has the exact same chance of being the last day of Earth as any other day, so it is still possible.

But the Holy Bible says that "no man knows" when the the day of judgment will be - only God, the Father knows. So when I hear people saying "I know when the last day of Earth will be", I don't believe them - because only God knows and He has said that "no man knows", so how can they "know"?

They can't.

Of course, if I said every day from now until the end of the world "today is the last day of Earth", I would eventually be correct, but that's not the same as "knowing". Nope, all I can state for a certainty is that the world will end "someday". Perhaps today, perhaps tomorrow, perhaps not for another 100+ years. I do not and cannot know exactly "when", just that it will happen...someday.

Though it doesn't look like "today" is that day.


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