Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Politics of Politics

A person who cannot stand-up for their principles, does not stand for anything. A person who will not honor the promises they make is a liar. They say politics is all about compromise. Perhaps. But there are times when one must refuse to compromise and stand for your principles and/or promises you've made. On the other hand, when political posturing is done for the sake of political posturing, and not because it's the right thing to do, it is selfish, egotistical, helps no one. And yet, for too many issues in Washington, DC, that seems to be the expected behavior of our elected officials. Not standing for or against something because it's the right thing to do, but standing for or against something because the other party proposed it.

It saddens me when one party is in power and the other party opposes things for the sake of opposing them but then when *their* party is in power and the exact same proposals they opposed earlier they now is inconsistent. And people who are inconsistent cannot be trusted and should not be "in power".

I loathe inconsistency; in my own life, I try to be consistent and expect others to be consistent as well. If you are consistent, then I know where you stand and I can work with you; I may disagree with you, but I don't necessarily have to agree with you to work with you. If you are inconsistent, then how can I work with you, knowing that you could be on one side today, the other tomorrow, and back again on another?

What is currently happening in Washington, DC is no surprise to me. It is unfortunate, but not surprising. Political posturing for the sake of political posturing - the whole mentality that is has to be "our party's" proposal that is approved, not "theirs" is ludicrous. Is it any wonder that so many American citizens claim to be fed-up with the bureaucrats in Washington, DC? And yet, the sad thing is: nothing will change because people are stupid and have short memories, especially, it seems, at election time.

Politics: "Poli-", meaning "many" and "-tics" meaning blood-sucking parasites.


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