Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Neglected Blog

Obviously, I've not been updating this blog on a regular basis. But then again, I did mention way back when that I update "whenever I feel like it", so that really shouldn't be surprising. Though i still think I'm updating more than Hcatty (hehehe). Speaking of whom, I should probably send her an e-mail one of these days, seeing as how it's been quite some time. Though we do kinda sorta keep in touch through Facebook. But it's not the same.

For something that's supposed to be a social networking conduit, I'm not so sure it really is. True, I have re-connected with people I've not seen in literally years, but it's not like we actually converse with each other, per se. Little posts here and there that are limited to 420 characters usually about nothing in particular is hardly what I call "conversing". Then again, it does provide a fairly easy way to get a hold of someone (assuming they are signed-up, on your "friends" list, and actually have things like posts and messages sent to their e-mail), since you don't need to remember individual e-mail addresses anymore - just sign-in, go to their page, click on "send message" (or place a post on their "wall") and type.

I actually try to scroll back and read all the little posts my friends put up. I don't always comment on them (though of course sometimes I do), but I do try to read them. I don't know how those who literally have hundreds (or even thousands) of "friends" can keep up with all the posts. I assume they don't. Ah well, to each his/her own. Unlike other I know, I am very selective of who I put on my "friends" list and I don't just blindly accept everyone who sends me a request. Still, I have managed to 'collect' over 100, though most are not very active.

But while I may be neglecting this blog, I have been, surprisingly to me, fairly active on one of my other blogs. It's not a "personal" blog like this one. No, it's a "gaming" blog. I won't bother telling you which one though, as I have kept both blogs separate from each other (though I have now mentioned that I do have another blog in each). Another deviation from my norm is that I have decided that as far as that gaming blog goes, I will actually accept anyone who sends me a request as a "friend". So far, I only have 8. But that's OK - it's not my goal to have a large list of "friends" anyway. My posts in there are mostly about the game itself, the game fora (sorry, "forums"), or other related aspects (like the blogging software used, "WordPress", which is twitchy as all get out and sometimes just down-right SUCKS; though to be fair, the have apparently made some tweaks to Blogger in the last several months, 'cuz I've noticed some stupid idiosyncrasies crop up in it too, which also SUCK [like you can't "Cntl-c/cntrl-v" to copy and paste inside the composing area anymore?? WTFrench Toast?!?]...but I digress...).

However, in spite of how I have been regularly posting there, I have still kept to posting "at least" 5 words a month, as required by Miss Hcatty.

Well, OK - most of the time anyway.


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