Saturday, April 30, 2011

End of April, 2011

I'm not sure why I'm posting today. Well, other than the fact that it's the last day of April and I haven't posted at all so far this month. Still, I suppose one of my main motivating factors is that one of the first comments Miss Hcatty left on my blog was that I *had* to post at least 5 words a month (even though she herself doesn't always do that - hehehe. Maybe that'll help motivate her. Probably not though - hehehe.). Good a reason as any, I guess. If I had to wait until I actually had a specific topic in mind, I probably wouldn't do that much posting.

Then again, maybe that wouldn't be such a bad thing.

One reason why I don't have any type of visitor counter or traffic tracker on my site is that I think it would be de-motivating. I mean, I think I would always be looking to see how many hits I got and quite frankly, I suspect it would be a very low number, and that could be...well I suppose "depressing" is as good a word as any. Oh sure, I know that there are a couple of (maybe even a "few") people who follow my blatherskite (well, one for certain, other than myself, I mean) - why I'm not exactly sure; it's not like I'm anybody "famous" or "important". No, I'm just one-in-"Lord-knows-how-many-millions" of ordinary people with Internet access who has a blog that posts about whatever it is that pops into my head at the time. No "theme", no specific topics, just random ramblings. Occasionally, I will have something specific in mind to post about, but mostly just random, boring topics.

Like this one.


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