Saturday, August 07, 2010

August Already?

Time flies. Not just when you're having fun, but all the time. Here it is - August. I missed posting in July (oops). Oh well. It happens. And soon school will be back in session. Much to the chagrin of many kids all over. Still, there are others who look forward to school (I did - for the most part).

Before you know it Halloween will be here...then Thanksgiving...then Christmas...then the New Year and we'll all be just one year away from the end of the world. Yeah, right. Don't get me wrong, the world will end...but I doubt it will be on December 22, 2012. Despite the doomsday-sayers, the Mayan calendar does NOT "stop" on that date. It never actually "stops" as it is circular.

And then there's the Great Pyramid, who's main tunnel's length, when measured in inches (apparently), supposedly ends on the same date. Only problem is that the ancient Egyptians didn't use the inch as a measurement unit. Well, ok, not the "only" problem.

People tend to try and apply 'meaning' to things that have no meaning. And then when shown things that actually do have meaning, they try and dismiss it as 'coincidence'. There will always be 'believers' and 'skeptics'.

Which am I? Both. And neither.


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