Friday, May 21, 2010

The "No Win" Scenario

There are those (like Capt. James T. Kirk, of the starship "Enterprise") who do not believe in the "no win" scenario. I, unfortunately, am not one. Because I think I'm in one right now.

I was asked a question at work. If I say "no", I will essentially be "pigeon-holed" and come across as not interested in doing certain other things (which is not entirely true). If I say "yes", I'll be 'forced' to agree to do whatever they end-up finding to "help" me "change" (which might actually be ok, IF I knew what it is they find, but that part is completely unknown, so I don't really want to 'blindly agree' to it). And I can't just "not answer".

So it's "no win" for me.

I wish I could say this was the first time I ran into a "no win" scenario at work, but it's not. Different issues but same results for me - "no win".

They say I'm valued, but sometimes I really wonder about that. I've been figuratively slapped in the face; stabbed in the back; had people who are supposed to work together take all the credit and give me all the blame; had people tell me they would support me, but then "fold" like a bad poker hand with little more than a slight breeze blows; been told to my face "I don't even know what it is you do around here."; been undermined...

Perhaps you wonder why I stay there - I sometimes wonder myself. But most of the people there are good people - there really is only one or two "bad eggs". Unfortunately, they have been given "power" and they never should have been.

I've fought, but you have to choose your battles. If you try and fight everything, you'll end-up doing nothing but fighting, and you cannot live that way. So one must let some things go, even though you know the decision made is the wrong one. You can only bang your head against the wall for so long before you ask yourself why you are banging you head against the wall.

Perhaps it is time I left. I thought it might have been a while ago, but had I done so then, I would have left some people I respect "in the lurch", and I couldn't do that to them. Ok, ok - technically I "could", but I wouldn't.

So here I am. Partly because, unlike some others, I am a team player; I do not care if I get the credit; I do not let my ego get in the way of getting things done (usually, at least. Perhaps on the rare occasion - after all, we all have 'bad days' don't we?); I do not need to be the one who has my face in front of everyone saying "Look at me! Aren't I great? Don't I do a good job?"; I do not believe "I" have clients - I believe "we" have clients; I couldn't care less if someone else talks to "my" clients; I don't run other people down in an effort to make myself look good (how petty) - at least, not on purpose (I mean, it's possible I may have, but I do not recall any specific instance when that is true); I back my people, I don't "throw them under the bus"...

Which is not to say I am perfect - I know that I am far from it. Nor am I trying to say that everyone should be me. No, that would not be good either. But I do try to treat people with courtesy and be cordial. And I got to tell you that is not always easy, especially when I have absolutely zero respect for them. But I still try - I may not always succeed, but I do try.

I don't know what to do. I hate these types of "no win" scenarios...


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