Friday, May 07, 2010

Proving a Point

I gave my friend Hcatty a hard time the other day because it's been a while since she'd posted anything to her blog. We do this on occasion (as you might be able to tell if you've read some of my past posts) - and while I can't speak for her as to why, I do it because I like reading the thoughts she cares to share from time-to-time, be they "good", "bad", or indifferent.

But her response to my good-natured ribbing was that if she did [update her blog], it would be depressing and she couldn't handle depressing right now. To which I told her it couldn't be any worse than my last post and that she controls her emotions, not the other way around.

Which is true (that we control our emotions) for every human being - most just don't realize it.

So what does that have to do with this post. Nothing really. Well, except that I feel like crap right now, but I am refusing to allow that to "make me" post something 'depressing'.

Hence the title of this post.

So take note, my dear friend Miss Hcatty. ;-)

I thought about mentioning why I feel like crap right now, but I have decided against it. Mainly for fear that if I did, this WOULD turn into a depressing post, which would fail to make my point.

But I digress...

Where was I? Oh yeah - not depressing.

I have amazing friends. I often wonder if any of them truly know just how amazing they are. I suspect they do not. They tell me that I'm amazing, but when I look at myself, I have to wonder just what it is that they see. So I suspect it is the same with them. I guess that's just one of the magical aspects of true friendship - they can see in us what we fail to see in ourselves. And I've got to tell you, it's nice to hear now and then, especially when we feel like crap. Sometimes, just the mere presence of a friend can turn your whole day around. In fact, I remember a specific day at work when all morning long I was, shall we say, in a snit; every little thing just seemed to piss me off even more (and quite frankly, there was no real reason for it). But then a friend of mine stopped by, pretty much just to say "hi", and I instantly went from being in a bad mood, to being in a good one. And it lasted the rest of the day. I don't think she even knew what it was that she did for me that day - and it she didn't really even "do" anything.

So Miss Hcatty, I may have said this before, but I'll say it again, because it deserves being repeated from time-to-time, especially when I know that you are going through "something" (though I do not know what - and that's ok - I'm not asking you to tell me. Though I do hope you know you can, if you want to): I am honored to call you "friend". And I am humbled that you have called me "friend". You are amazing - NEVER let ANYONE convince you otherwise. I know that you can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, "Never, ever, ever, ever, ever give up. Never give up. Never give up. Ever." I know that God has something truly remarkable in store for you. Exactly what, I do not know - I wish that I did so I could tell you. But continue seeking Him and He will open all the right doors (while closing all of the wrong ones).

And continue being the amazing person you are. Keep your heart guarded, but open. Don't let "them" crush your spirit. Be the type of friend to others that you always wanted for youself (which I know that you are).

Now if only I could follow my own good advice...
{CRAP! It got a little depressing at the very end there...}


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