Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dark Day for USA

Editor's Note: I wrote this back on March 23, just a day or two after the bill's signing. I was going to post it sooner, but obviously I didn't.


It is a dark day for the US. Never in history has such a blatant violation of the US Constitution taken place. And the worst part of it? Many US citizens believe it to be a glorious event, worthy of celebration. But I am here to stand up and say IT IS NOT!!!

So exactly what am I decrying? The so-called "health care reform" law.

Now, I know some of you are already getting your knickers in a twist because of a knee-jerk response that you have to anyone who dares oppose HCR, but I cannot help that.

Part of the problem is that "people" (as a collective) only know the law by its common name - the "Health Care Reform" (or HCR). The problem is, is that the name of any bill/law is often misleading. Such is the case here. This law is not about health care reform - it's about a power grab by the federal government. Yes, there are some health care reform elements in the law, and I do actually support several of them (like elimination of "pre-existing condition" exclusions, though I understand the reason for them in the first place), but the MAIN element of the law is the REQUIREMENT for EVERYONE to have health care of some type. IT IS NOT OPTIONAL! Do you "sheeple" truly not understand what this means?!?

How can ANY rational person believe this to be a good thing? How can ANYONE support the idea that is it permissible for the government, ANY government, to MANDATE its people to BUY anything?

Now, some of you are thinking "But what about mandated car insurance?", but that is a totally different situation. Why? Because no one is FORCED to buy a car; no one is REQUIRED to learn how to drive; driving is NOT a right. If you do not drive, then you are not required to have car insurance. Mind you, I don't really like mandated car insurance per se either, but that is another discussion.

Not to mention the way in which the bill was passed in congress; using a procedural "loop-hole" in a manner it was never intended to be used to BYPASS the proper, normal procedures put in place. And then the gall of those thrice-damned hypocrites to claim it as a victory for the American people, when it was clear that a MAJORITY of Americans did NOT want that bill to pass the way that it was. On top of that, to so blatantly IGNORE the US CONSTITUTION and pass the bill "by hook or by crook" (I'm thinking the emphasis is on CROOK) should have EVERY American totally and completely OUTRAGED, and calling for the heads of all those who allowed this abomination to pass.

But alas, such is not the case.

How can anyone who is sworn to "uphold and defend the Constitution" (as all elected officials are) justify the passage of this atrocity, when it so clearly is in DIRECT VIOLATION of the US Constitution? And if you don't believe me that it is, then you need to READ THE US CONSTITUTION FOR YOURSELF. Anything which is not SPECIFICALLY called out in the Constitution as being a reserved for the federal government is reserved for the STATES.

It's in plain English people.

There have already been 13 States Attorneys General who have filed law suits against the Federal government to stop this. I say, "Good on You!" Quite frankly, there should be 50 Attorneys General filing suit. This version of HCR should be declared "Unconstitutional".

Should be.

But only if Justices actually follow the Law and the Constitution as they are supposed to. The unfortunate reality is that they too often do not. And it is further unfortunate (truly lamentable) that more people are not outraged by Justices who do not follow the very laws they are supposed to be upholding.

Then there's the cost. In his 2010 "State of the Union Address", President Obama said (among other things), "...our approach [to HCR] would bring down the [Federal] deficit by as much as $1 trillion over the next two decades."

BULLSHIT! (pardon my "French".) I do not swear often, so when I do, I mean it.

How can you subtract nearly $1 Trillion dollars (the supposed cost of this HCR bill/law) from an already negative deficit and be reducing the deficit? Not to mention the FACT that all other so-called health reforms, such as Medicare and Medicaid, have ALL exceeded their government quoted maximum costs; not by just a few percentage points, but by 10 TIMES (or more)? This HCR will simply pile-on even more debt than we currently have. But then, they've been doing it for so long, I'm not sure they know how to NOT do so.

The fact-of-the-matter is that this HCR law is nothing more than the precursor to the federal government effectively driving all health care insurers out of the business so that the only health insurance left will be those run by the government. It's just a more subtile begining of "Hilary-care".

And the fact that more Americans are not outraged by this travesty makes me very sad.


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