Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love Sucks Day '10

Once again it's that time of year. For the last several weeks, we've all been reminded, ad nauseam, that today, February 14th, is Valentine's Day. For couples, a big day; for those unattached, it's just a (constant) reminder that they are unattached.

Of course, the media has been inundating all of us, both in print and over the airwaves via radio and tv, with ads for Valentine's Day gifts. "Feh!", says I. I mean, ok, flowers, sure; expectations of anything else and you're setting yourself up for disappointment. Don't misunderstand me - if you want to give gifts, then by all means do so. But to EXPECT or DEMAND that your 'significant other' give you a gift is NOT in the spirit of the day.

But what do I know?

Quite a bit, actually, but people just don't listen. Or they listen, but ignore what they hear. If only everyone knew what I know. Alas! such is not the case. More's the pity.

More often then not, the "big show" is just that - a show. Not for the recipient, but for the giver: "look at what I did", "how great am I that I did this ('for you')". And if a "grand gesture" is given all of the time, then it diminishes and becomes nothing. Something "special" only remains "special" if it is rare; do the same "special" thing everyday and it won't be long before it becomes mundane. If gold were plenteous, like silica (sand), would it be worth as much as it currently is? No - it'd be worth about as much as sand is; "gold plated" wouldn't mean "top of the line" or "overly extravagant" but rather "ordinary" or "typical".

There are so many things that we could do to show affection, rather than giving "things". Not that I'm bashing giving "things" (I'm not). But more important than the "thing" is the attitude behind it. What are you REALLY trying to say? If it's "Look at me! Aren't I great?" then it's the wrong attitude.

Maybe if you actually verbally expressed to the person what it is you want to tell them...

Nah! That's just crazy...


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