Saturday, September 19, 2009


Avast, ye scurvy dogs! It be "Talk Like A Pirate Day". So if'n ye've been waitin' fer it, here it be.

Arrr!!! If'n ye be in the waters off of Parrr-tland, Arrr-egon, ye can drop anchor and visit the Pirate festival at "Cathedral Park". Aye, it be located under the "St. John's Bridge". 'Course, why she be called the "St. John's bridge" be a mystry, seein' as how St. John, not be the one who built her.

And if'n ye be need'n some pirate stuff, ya can sail on o'er to Lloyd Center Mall, where they have a Pirate shop (I be thinkin' the name o' the store be "The Pirate Shop", but alas, I could be wrong). There be all maner o' booty that be 'piratical' in nature. Skull and cross-bones be a-plenty there. And e'en the shop-keeps be dressed like pirates and pirate wenches. Arrr! 'Tis a glorious sight, indeed.

Today I got an appointment to see me eye doctor. Seems me eye-patch be need'n adjustin', and he got this here new fangled contraption that be able to map me eyes and fit me new patch e'en better than ever. Now if'n it could only map-out where there be some treasure. 'Twould be a wonderous machine then, says I. Arrr!

I needs to be checkin' me communiques sos I kin see what me mates be up to today. Arrr!!! "Weigh Anchor! Hoist the mainsail and set a course fer adventure! Let fly the Jolly Roger and load the cannons! We be off to plunder the 7 seas!" Arrr!!!

Plunder on, mates!


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