Saturday, April 18, 2009

So I ran across this web site a few days ago now, and I have to say I like it. In fact, I like it so much, I've added a link to it over there --------->

WARNING: it does contain expletives (sometimes, not all the time), so if you're sensitive about language, don't say I haven't warned you.

Apparently, it's run by a physicist who used to be a contract employee of NASA. He calls it a "webcomic", and I suppose that's as good a name as any, but it's not a "serial" webcomic. Meaning, there is no "central theme" or story arc (as far as I can tell), just a collection of various comics posted 3 days a week.

He deals with math, physics, science, what I shall call "geek romance" (meaning, romance from the perspective of "geeks", like mathematicians, physicists, engineers, etc., like me), and other stuff. There is also a store where you can purchase autographed copies of several of the comics, t-shirts, and other things. There is even a blag (yes, that's "blag", not "blog" - he thinks it a better term for "blog" and after seeing this definition, I think I may just agree) and fora (which is the proper plural of "forum" [seeing as how "forum" is Latin], though most say "forums").

I particularly like the fora - I looked at one of the math ones and someone asked "How do you go about proving (some math equation)?" I read several of the responses and laughed. Ever get a bunch of "techno-geeks" together and ask something like that? You'll probably get at least 10 different answers - and they will all be correct. 'Cuz as any "techno-geek" (like me) knows, there are at least 10 different ways of doing the same thing. And every single one of them will tell you that their solution is best and the others are "steaming piles of horse manure". And as long as you can sit back and watch the mayhem (and not be directly invested in the outcome), it's funny.

Or maybe that's just me. ;-)

Anyway, if you like physics, science in general, engineering, math, etc., you'll probably like this site, so go check it out. I was amazed at how many other web-items I ran across that reference this site one way or another.

And no, I'm not getting compensated in any way for this post (darn it).

Oh, and did I happen to mention the author has some sort of Velociraptor fixation? No? Well he does. This is just one example. Go explore the entire web site for others...

If you want to know more about it, go there and look under "About".


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