Monday, February 09, 2009

Love Sucks Day '09

Ever the romantic, here's an original poem. Not sure what to call it. I thought maybe one more verse, but I'm going to leave it "as is". For now, at least.


It’s “that” time of year,
The time before Spring,
When candy and flowers and all sorts of things
Are shoved in our face,
From ads on TV,
And radio spots that remind us that she
(Whomever “she” is,
The girlfriend or spouse)
Expects us to give, or be labeled a louse.

It may not be true,
But most likely is,
‘Cuz Ad-men spend billions to market this ‘biz’.
And we have been trained,
Conditioned to see,
That all things are true, when they’re shown on TV.

Especially when
It’s Valentine’s Day,
‘Cuz who wants to risk being sliced and filleted?

And woe unto those
A “special” friend lack;
For “they’ll” try to tell you you’re just a sad sack,
A loser, a schmuck,
Or something much worse;
Like you’ve got the plague or are under a curse.

Perhaps that is why
I hate “Love Sucks Day”
For each year it comes and I’m labeled that way.
For no one have I,
Nor will have by then,
So all alone this year I’ll once again spend.

But it is okay -
It’s how it will be.
Though one year I hope to have someone with me.

Hope your "Love Sucks Day" is better than mine.

On a brighter note, I'M GOING TO DISNEYLAND!!

Not right away, but "soon". Perhaps I'll post a report on that when I get back.


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