Friday, September 19, 2008


Avast, me hearties! It be “Talk Like a Pirate Day” (TLAPD), that one day each year (or is that “yaar”?) when the letter “R” be over used and e’en landlubbers be encouraged to don a swashbuckling persona o’ that most wretched and fear’d cross-section o’ society (arr, that be’in “pirate”, in case yer be wond’rin’) and be adpat’in their (“thaar”?) speech patterns. That be mean’in “talk like them” (e’en in yer written communiqués).

So if’n ye’ve ne’er heard o’ TLAPD, then fire ‘up that new fangled communication contraption known as a “com-put-er”, and sail on over to where ye can find out all sorts o’ ‘piratical’ things. Ye can e’en take a quiz to find out what yer very own Pirate name may be.

Plunder on, mates!


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