Wednesday, April 08, 2009


So I wanted to follow up that last, short post with something longer. Trouble is, I can’t really think of anything to post. Oh sure, I suppose I could post about what I did last night, but that would end up being a shorter post that the last one (no, would). Besides, who would want to read “watched TV”?

So here I am, struggling with yet another round of “writer’s block”. But I suppose if I work at it, I’ll have enough to at least look like a longer post, even though it’ll probably be just a long-winded way of saying absolutely nothing. Kind of like small-talk (which reminds me – have you ever seen the “Star Trek: Next Generation” episode where Data learns how to engage in small talk? Funny stuff....).

If I actually had anything exciting to post, I probably would, but alas, there is not much going on at the present.

On the plus side (?), I have once again surpassed my friend Hcatty in number of posts this month. I’m hoping that a few little “digs” here and there will cause her to post more often. But that never really seems to be the case. It works every now and then, though. So maybe this one will be that works. But to be fair, she’s probably given me just as many “digs” as I’ve given her.

And on that note, guess I’ll stop. Can’t really think of anything else to “not” say. Not as long as I had hoped, but it is something (or perhaps more correctly, “nothing”). Oh well. I’ll try and do better next time.

No promises though...


Anonymous hcatty said...

And have you, friend, seen the advertisements for the new Star Trek? With a young Kirk? Someone who is definitively NOT Kirk-like? Bleh. I'm expecting terrible. Wonder what I'll get....

And HEY! I totally posted recently!!!

17/4/09 19:07  

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