Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Not a "Review" of IE8

I had meant to post earlier, but obviously, I didn’t. You know how things go – get set to do something and another thing comes along and derails you. Oh well.

Not really sure what to post. I thought about doing a “review” of Internet Explorer 8 (IE8), but then, who cares? It still sucks, but it’s better than IE7. And don’t try and tell me to use Firefox (Mozilla) – it sucks too. No, my preference is to stick with IE6. Yes, IE7 and IE8 have some better “behind-the-scene” technical stuff, but what Microsoft (and Apple, and a lot of other software companies) apparently fail to understand is that if you drastically change the “look and feel” of things, people are going to HATE IT. Period.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying change is “bad”, and yes, I know that sometimes you have to bite the bullet and make drastic changes, but this is NOT the case with IE. My biggest peeve about IE7 is that you CANNOT customize its “look”. You’re stuck with how the various “toolbars” are laid-out. What really ticks me off is that you can go ahead and unlock the toolbars, but you can’t move the lower-right-hand-side one anywhere else – all you can do is either “collapse” it or “expand” it. Who’s the moronic idiot who came up with that?

At least with IE8, you CAN move it to the left-hand side (if you prefer, which I do), but you can’t put it above the “main” navigation / address bar. Why can’t it be FULLY customizable like IE6? It that really so hard to do? (Morons…why do I have to deal with morons?)

Of course I don’t know what else they screwed up in IE7, but when you view this blog with it, the title box gets screwed up. Not too terribly much, mind you, but screwed up nonetheless. In IE8, the whole webpage layout is really screwed up. But IE8 does have a “compatibility” mode that allows you to “view webpages in earlier versions of Internet Explorer”. Note the language that Microsoft uses – “versions” implying you get a choice. You don’t. It should be “version” or even more correctly, “IE7”, because that’s the only choice you get. Idiots. I don’t know if they are purposefully trying to obfuscate things or not, but given my cynical nature, I’m going to assume that they really are.

But then, I wasn’t going to do a “review” of IE8…

Maybe I should try Google's "Chrome"...


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