Friday, December 24, 2010

Season of Sorrow, Season of Joy

Christmas is here. For many, it's a very joyous time of year. And it should be. For "true" Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the saviour of the world. We give presents (both at Christmas and on birthdays) because wise men from the East came and gave presents to the baby Jesus.

But for others, this time of year is depressing and anything but joyous. And I feel for these people. I don't actually know anyone who feels this way (as far as I know, anyway), but there is a reason why more suicides occur during this time of year. If I could, I would convince these people that things are never as hopeless as they may seem or as they think they are. Suicide is NEVER the answer and is, quite frankly, the ultimate expression of selfishness and cowardice. That may sound harsh, and I certainly don't mean to be, but it is also the truth.

But that is not the reason behind my title. No, the "season of sorrow" I refer to is the passing of a truly great man this past week - Pastor Wendell Eugene Smith. He was my youth pastor back when I was in high school; he was a friend of the family; he was a great influence on me personally as well as literally hundreds (if not thousands) of people. I will miss him.

But while we are sorrowful at his passing, we celebrate his life and his dedication to all and find solace and joy in the fact that through Jesus Christ he is rejoicing in the presence of God and no longer suffering from the ailments that we deal with here on Earth. We will see him again and what a joyous day that will be indeed.

Remembering that Jesus is the reason for the season: Merry Christmas to one and all. And to quote 'Tiny Tim' (from Dickens' "A Christmas Carol"), God bless us, everyone.


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