Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Black Day for the US (as Far as I'm Concerned)

Today, I am absolutely ashamed of our President; his speech was down right appalling.

While I have never been a fan of his, up until today I at least had some respect for him. But not any more - he does not deserve any. His so-called "health reform" law was bad enough; unconstitutionally (yes, unconstitutionally - read the Constitution for yourself; I have; several times, in fact) forcing (yes, FORCING) American Citizens to buy (yes, BUY) some type of health care insurance or be penalized or possibly even jailed (don't believe me? What do you think would happen if someone refused to pay the penalty?) was bad enough. And he lost a LOT of respect from me then. But in fairness, he has done some thing correctly, and I give him credit for them (the initial air raids over Libya, for example). But this...this is unforgivable.

He has always shown a disdain for Israel (don't believe me? Go back and watch his interaction with the Israeli Prime minister during his visit to the US early in his Presidency), but I never thought I'd hear this.

To openly (and I believe "knowingly") insult the state of Israel in this fashion...I still find it hard to believe that a sitting President would do such a thing. Suggesting Israel "go back" to the borders of 1967 (that's nearly half a century ago, people) AND taking the side of those who have openly declared (and continue to declare) that their goal is to totally destroy the state of Israel and wipe them out of existence??? No too mention a group known for terrorist acts all over the world (not all of them are terrorist, I know - not trying to say they are, but many in their hierarchy openly support terrorist)...

Un-dirty-word believable.

That would be like someone suggesting that the US go back to it's borders of 1803, before the Louisiana Purchase, and give all the land back to the Indians (yes, I said "Indians" and not "native Americans"; frankly, they are not "natives", they came over from Asia. Besides, all this "political correctness" BS is just that - BS). I'm not going to get into a debate as to what the US did back then was "right" or "wrong" (did we do some "wrong" things? Yep. So did the Indians. Who hasn't?); what's done is done, has been established for a long time (over 200 years in our case), and is recognized by most (if not "all") of the civilized world.

So are the current borders of Israel.

Abandoning a long-standing ally in this fashion (for no good reason, mind you - no good reason at all) makes me ill. Have we all forgotten the 1972 Olympics? Or Entebbe? These people do not deserve our respect or support because they have not earned it - Israel has. And yet, this President just casually gives it to them without any regard for what the American people may think about it.

This is a black day in American history - and I am ashamed of our President, and I am ashamed of those in our government (primarily the House and Senate) who do not condemn (or at least chide) him for this egregious action.

Mr. President, I condemn you, sir - your action this day was shameful; you, in essence, spit in the face of one of our most loyal allies. How dare you, sir; how dare you.


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