Monday, September 19, 2011

iTLAPD '11

Ahoy! It be once again "International Talk Like A Pirate Day" (iTLAPD). So all ye landlubbers kin go ahead and let loose yer inner pirate. O'er use the letter "R", don an eye patch and/or a tricorne, carry a parrot on yer shoulders, search fer buried treasure, and most importantly be hoistin' the "Jolly Roger" so's all dem scallywags be knowin' yer a pirate to be reckoned with.

And if'n ye not already done so, be sailin' on over to "" and found out how ye kin get a pirate name of yer very own. Ye need not be doin' it on iTLAPD, fer they be open e'ery day o' the year (yar?).

Now, if'n ye be excusin' me, I be needin' to end this communique and find that darn parrot o' mine; he done fly off with the keys to me treasure chest. And he better not have lost 'em, or I be fixin' to make some parrot stew, I says, says I.



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