Monday, January 22, 2007

New Year, New Beginnings

Ok, so I'm a little late to be wishing everyone a "Happy New Year!" C'est la vie. But as everyone knows, with a new year comes new beginnings. Don't let the old things from last year bring you down. If they were unhappy things, forget about them and start over. If you hadn't done what you wanted to, try to do it this year. If you did things you wish you hadn't, then try to avoid doing them this year. I'm not necessarily talking "New Year's Resolutions" here, but then again, there's nothing wrong with them, as far as I'm concerned, either.

Don't be afriad to strive for goals, to have dreams, or to make wishes (just don't expect to win the lottery). Everyone needs something to reach for, otherwise, we'll just be lumps and everything will get you down (trust me on this, for I do know what I'm talking about). Don't just sit there and expect everything to be handed to you or for things to simply magically appear right in front of you. Yes, it does happen on occasion, but rarely if you are expecting it to. Most of the time, if you want something, you must work for it. So get up and fight! Make 2007 the best year you've ever had.

You can do it!