Monday, January 19, 2009

Sound Advice...

In the last few weeks, I’ve heard the same thing from at least 3 different sources. In fact, I, myself, have given the same advice to friends of mine. And just what is that advice you ask? Nothing Earth-shattering. Something quite simply, really. Something everyone, and I do mean everyone, can and should do…

Make positive professions.

That is, instead of saying “I can’t” or other negative statements, say “I can”. Declare, out loud, with your mouth (profess), positive things. Have you heard about the book “The Secret”? Do you know what “the secret” is? In a nutshell, positive profession; positive thinking. Now, in the book, there’s more to it than just that, and I personally think most of what is in there is a bunch of malarkey, but in this one aspect, there is a kernel of truth.

Why? Because if you profess (say out loud) negative things like “I can’t”, “I’m weak”, etc., they become self-fulfilling prophecies and guess what? You won’t be able to, and you will be weak, etc. But if you profess “I can”, “I’m strong”, “I will get through this” (whatever “this” happens to be), you will find strength that you never thought you had.

So, if you’ve been moping around with your head hung down, professing your utter defeat and you wonder why you feel so defeated, wonder no more. Turn it around. Profess positively. Hold your head up high and proclaim that you will conquer whatever it is that has you down and you will succeed.

Now if I would only learn to listen to my own good advice.

But then, that’s always harder than listening to others, isn’t it? Nevertheless, if at least 3 different sources, other than myself, say the essentially the same thing, it would behoove me to listen. So, in a positive act, I have changed my imood. I am no longer “unmotivated”.

Update: In my original post, I forgot to put in a title. I hate not having a title, so I put one in. Hence the update. I figured while i was at it, I'd mention that i know moving from "unmotiviated" to "neutral", but it's a start...