Sunday, September 19, 2010


Ahoy landlubbers! Once more it be "International Talk Like A Pirate Day"! That day each year (Yarrrrr?) when one can get his or her "Pirattitude" on an' be talkin' like a pirate. And if'n ye be wantin' ta know more about ITLAPD, then sail on over ta (thar be a link over thar -----> as well). In that ol' pirate port on the world wide web, thar be all sorts o' thing 'piratical' in nature. Such as a place ye can be downloadin' several versions of the unofficial, official "Talk Like A Pirate Day" song. Thar also be 'pirate name generators' ta be found as well. So if'n ye not yet be havin' yer pirate name, ye can plunder the site 'til ye be findin' the right link ta be gettin' yer very own pirate name.

And if'n ye be in the Portland, Oregon area, ye can also be sailin' on over ta "Cathedral Park", which be under the "St. Johns Bridge", where thar be the "Portland Pirate Festival" (see more at It will be costin' a few doubloons, but if'n ye be dressin' up like a piarte, ye can be counted amongst the many who be gatherin' around to try and reclaim the Guinness Book of World Records spot fer the "most pirates in one gathering". I's be hearin' they be a needed round 7,000 souls. They be countin' around 6 bells in the afternoon watch (that be 3:00 PM ta ye landlubbers), so if'n ye want ta be be among them counted, plan accordingly.

As fer me, Capt. Red Beard, I says to meself, says I, "I be thinkin' I be watchin' 'Pirates of the Caribbean' taday, and watchin' ol' Capt. Jack Sparrow in action once more." Course, if'n I had "Treasure Island", "Capt. Blood", or e'en "Cut-throat Island", I may have been watchin' one o' dems. But, alas! Me carrier pigeon got himself lost once again, and me DVDs didn't arrive in time ta be doin' that. (Looks like we be havin' squab fer dinner.)

Do hoist the mainsail! Let fly the "Jolly Roger"! Swash yer buckles and shiver yer timbers. And don't be fergettin' ta be talkin' like a pirate in all yer communiques this day!