Monday, February 14, 2011

Love Sucks Day '11

I feel a bit odd having this post follow my previous one, but traditions are traditions, and it's my own fault for not making another post prior to this one. So there it is.

Once again, it is that most evil of all holidays ("pseudo" or real). Oh sure, it's fine as long as you actually have someone to 'celebrate' with. But for those of us who don't, it is just evil. And cruel. Ok, ok - I jest...a little...maybe.

Regardless, there are those who absolutely hate this 'holiday'. I'm not actually one of them, but honestly, it is not my most favorite of days. Perhaps someday I will embrace it - but not today. No, today is just a reminder of how many times I've been rejected. Granted, some have been very nice rejections, but rejections just the same. It sucks.

What's worse than a flat-out rejection up-front is one that occurs after someone calls you "friend" for literally years and then just out of the blue tells you that you make them uncomfortable, but won't tell you why or how and then they just... stop. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. And yes, unfortunately, I do have first-hand experience with it. I wish that I didn't, but I do. But that is another story I do not wish to share, at this time.

In any event, I hope that you (whomever you may be) have a nice pseudo-holiday today. I think maybe I'll have a pint of chocolate ice cream (yes, even guys like to "drown their sorrows" chocolate ice cream). Of course, I like mine with peanut butter.