Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hatfields and McCoys

The History Channel recently ran a 3-part mini-series on the Hatfields and McCoys.  It is one of the greatest (if not the greatest), non-military tragedies of American History:  two families, locked in a bitter feud.

Granted, the mini-series was a dramatization and should not be viewed as pure "fact".  Still, even though some dramatic license was taken, the majority of the incidents shown were based on factual, historical incidents.

It's hard to say how anyone would have reacted under similar circumstances; would we have done the same thing?  Seeking out revenge from those who killed our family members over "trivial" reasons?

Oh, the price that was paid!  I'm not even talking about the death count - I'm talking about the anger, the hate, and the bitterness.  For anger, hate, and bitterness will destroy you from the inside, just as much as a physical attack can destroy you from the outside.

It was, in essence, a 'second' civil war - it not only pitted one family against another, but also one state against another.  And just like the first civil war, those who could not "let go" and let the past be the past, were consumed by anger, hate, and bitterness 'til their dying days.

Forgiveness is a hard thing; perhaps the hardest thing of all.  But it must be pursued, or one will be consumed by bitterness.  And if one cannot find in within themselves to forgive, then perhaps one should seek out help.  Jesus Christ can help - if you will let Him.  If you seek Him, you will find Him; if you ask for His help, He will give it.