Friday, November 23, 2012

Thanksgiving '12

So it seems that I have, once again, been neglecting my blog here.  Not exactly sure why.  Oh, I suppose I could say I've been "busy", but of course that is a relative term.  I could say that I have not had any good topics to post, but that's never really stopped me before (well, yes it has, but I have been known to "push through" anyway).  I could say that I've been concentrating on my gamer blog, but that is still just an excuse.  And of course I could say that I just haven't felt like it.  All of the above are true, to one extent or another, but I think mostly it just boils down to "I don't want to".  Still not exactly sure why.

Anyway, it's the day after Thanksgiving, here in the (what at least used to be) good, ol' USA - I often refer to today as "T-day + 1".  And even though "turkey day" was yesterday, I am still thankful for many, many things (one should never be restricted to 'only' being thankful on Thanksgiving; Thanksgiving is just, traditionally speaking, the day that us 'set aside' for reflection and expression).  Yes, there are things going on in the USA (and the rest of the world, for that matter) that have me dismayed, but this post is not about those things.

I am thankful, everyday, that I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food on my table.  I feel sorry for those who go without any or all of these things - it is heart-breaking.  No one should ever have to do without these basics.  Unfortunately the reality is that more people do (go without) than do not.

I am thankful for my friends and family.  Should some tragedy befall me, I know they will be there to help - I need only ask.  Oh sure, not 'every' "friend", but enough.  Hopefully, they know that I am here to help them, too.  But if they don't ask, I won't (necessarily) know what I can do to help.  Anyone who actually reads this drivel I pour out (from time-to-time) here should take that to heart - never, ever be 'afraid' to ask for help.  If you're in a situation and you're wondering why none of your friends are helping, maybe it's because they don't know you need it - ask.  It may just surprise you who will respond.

I am thankful that I live in this country.  Sure, we have problems - we're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination - but we're better off than I dare say most of the rest of the world.  As Mark Twain once said, "Democracy is the worst from of government - except for every other kind."  (Even though we are not a true democracy [we are a 'democratic republic'], his quote was still "about" the USA and other, similar nations, compared to the rest of the world.  It is not an endorsement for anarchy, but rather a commentary that governments, if left to their own devices, will bring oppression.  In a democracy, ultimately the people are in charge - if they can ever figure out how to work together - since it is the people that elect government officials and not just some two-bit thug rising up and 'taking' power.  Of course, what does that say about us when we freely *give* power to some two-bit thug?  But I digress....)

But mostly, I am thankful that God loves me - well, all of us, really.  I don't know why - it's not like I've done anything worthy of His love - but He does.  In fact, He loves us so much that He sent His only son, Jesus Christ, down to Earth to dwell among us, to teach us, to help us learn to love each other, and ultimately to die in our place, shedding His blood so that we could be free from sin and dwell with Him.  It is the greatest gift of all time and all we need do is ask.  But if we don't ask, we will not receive.

This is where (true) Christianity differs from every other 'religion' in the world (even Judaism, which is related, though different, than Christianity - Judaism is the root, and it shares many of the same fundamentals, but they deny Christ as the Messiah - they are still waiting for the Messiah, not realizing He has already come) - the central figure, Jesus Christ - God incarnate - died for us so that we might live with Him.  But not only did He die, He rose from the dead.  I challenge anyone to name one - just one - other religion where the central deity-figure dies for us.  Oh sure, Hinduism may teach about reincarnation, but that is different - it is not one of their many gods who go through this process, it's "us".  Oops, you're not good enough yet - you need to go live another life and keep doing it over and over and over again until you 'get it right'.  Except, we will never 'get it right' on our own, for we are nothing but creatures of sin.  Left to our own devices, we will choose sin and corruption.  But through Christ, we can be forgiven of our sins and have them washed away - forever.

And for that, I am truly, truly thankful.