Saturday, May 13, 2006

Doggerel Blatherskite

Here I sit, staring at keys, not knowing what to say.
Thoughts running through my head, but there they will have to stay.
For dark as night are my thoughts today, and I do not wish to share,
For to bring you 'down' is not what I want, so I'll just not go there.

Searching my mind for a happy topic may be, for now, beyond me;
A neutral one is what I need to make a transition - guess we'll see.

The house is a mess, dishes piled-up, but they will have to wait,
For first on my list is to mow the lawn - a task that I really hate.
Ok, "hate" may be strong, but I don't like at all, it truly is my bane;
An excuse I could have, at least for a day, if it would only just rain.


Well, "half" the lawn's done, the rest can just wait - I'm tired and I need a rest,
I'll wait 'til the morn, or perhaps later today, before my restarting the quest.

Shopping for clothes is a task I should do, for shirts and pants need I,
Though it, too, my favorite chore is not. But first, down I will lie
And catch-up on taped shows, watch some TV, and eat a bit of lunch,
For hungry I am and tired I be. Man, I wish I had pizza to munch.

Well, enough of this prattle, enough of this verse; it's time for me to go.
So good-bye for now; Auf Wiedersehen! (leave a note and say "Yo!")


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yo!" ;)

4/8/06 09:29  

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