Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving, '07

Well I think I beat my friend Hcatty to posting this time (hehehe).

I figured that with this being Thanksgiving week (for those of us in the USA), that I should post something. I thought about simply re-posting last year’s entry, but thought better of it (after all, that would be "cheating").

If you’ve read some of my recent posts, you may think that I have been going through a rather rough patch. There is some truth to that. But no matter how I might feel, I know that I have much to be thankful for. (Hmmm – I wonder what some of my high-school teachers would think – ending a sentence on a proposition…tsk, tsk – but I digress…) I have a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food on my table. There isn’t really much else I need (air to breathe, I suppose). "Want" may be a different story, but "need"? No.

I also have a great family, great friends (even if I haven’t talked with several of them for some time), a good job that I "mostly" like (yes, there is a story there, but it won’t be told here – at least, not now); even my "wants" are relatively few.

Some would say that I am lucky – perhaps; I’m not so sure there is "luck", per se. What I do know is that, for whatever reason (and none of it by my doing, I’d be willing to bet), God has seen fit to bless me in many areas of my life. He has always provided for me. And for that (and many, many other things), I am truly thankful.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Vacation Blues

I had meant to post an entry last week, as I was on vacation, but things didn’t go as I had planned. And seeing has how my friend Hcatty has out-posted me, and (rightly so) chastised me about not posting, here we are.

There have not been a lot of things going on, or perhaps more correctly, not a lot of things other than the usual, boring, life-routine things. And even though I just got done with a vacation, I think I need a vacation.

People ask me what I do on my vacations and I usually tell them "as little as possible". Mostly, it is simply a time to be away from the office – meaning I don’t usually go anywhere. Not that I would mind actually going somewhere, but traveling by oneself, quite frankly, sucks – at least it does for me. Although, a few years back I did go camping with a couple of friends of mine – that was fun. I should do that more often, but getting together with friends seems harder these days – not sure why.

Ah well – I’ve still got 2 weeks to burn this year; maybe I’ll do something with them.

Probably not.