Saturday, November 17, 2007

Vacation Blues

I had meant to post an entry last week, as I was on vacation, but things didn’t go as I had planned. And seeing has how my friend Hcatty has out-posted me, and (rightly so) chastised me about not posting, here we are.

There have not been a lot of things going on, or perhaps more correctly, not a lot of things other than the usual, boring, life-routine things. And even though I just got done with a vacation, I think I need a vacation.

People ask me what I do on my vacations and I usually tell them "as little as possible". Mostly, it is simply a time to be away from the office – meaning I don’t usually go anywhere. Not that I would mind actually going somewhere, but traveling by oneself, quite frankly, sucks – at least it does for me. Although, a few years back I did go camping with a couple of friends of mine – that was fun. I should do that more often, but getting together with friends seems harder these days – not sure why.

Ah well – I’ve still got 2 weeks to burn this year; maybe I’ll do something with them.

Probably not.


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