Sunday, April 15, 2007

Nothing In Particular

I was awakened this morning at 5:45 AM by a call on my cell phone from one of our clients, who was having troubles with one of his systems. I suggested a few things; he said I'd hear from him if they still had problems. So I lay there for awhile, waiting to see if he'd call back or not. He didn't, so Ican only assume things went well.

If I had really thought about it, I would have had him call me back if things went OK too, for while I was waiting, I didn't want to try to go back to sleep just to be awakened again. Oh well.

So it's now about 11:30 AM and here I sit in my computer room, posting this entry. I look out my window and cringe at the lawn - it needs to be mowed. Badly. But it's been raining the last few days and while it is not raining at the moment, it is threatening to. I checked the grass earlier and it is way too wet to mow. If the rain manages to hold off, maybe it will dry out enough to mow later. A part of me hopes it doesn't, becuase I don't really like mowing.

Ah, the price one pays for being a home owner (with a lawn).


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