Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

What is "Easter"? I’m not talking about the definition or origin of the word. Easter has nothing to do with ham or chocolate or eggs or chickens or bunnies; it is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Many people believe that Jesus was a "good man" who lived and died long ago. But the story does not end there, as some would have you believe. He was not just some "good man" or just a prophet – He was much, much more. Jesus is the Son of God, who came to Earth as a man to become a sacrifice for our sins so that we could be blameless before God.

Yes, He died; but 3 days latter He rose-up from the dead.

Many people believe that Jesus died, but they find it impossible to believe that he rose from the dead. However, His resurrection is not just a story; the New Testament of the Holy Bible tells us that He was seen by over 500 people several days AFTER His crucifixion.

Now, there are those who will tell you that the Bible is full of errors and is nothing more than fiction with regards to actual history, but they are wrong. And while I will not take the time here to debate this common misconception, let me just say that there have been many attempts to "prove" the historical inaccuracy of the Bible and these attempts have wound up showing that the Bible was indeed historically correct. But don’t just take my word for it, do your own research and see for yourself.

Easter is the very crux of Christianity. Christ died and shed His blood for us because sin requires a blood-sacrifice, and if that were the end of the story, then it would be sufficient. But it is NOT the end. Christ not only died, but He rose-up from the grave, showing that He has power over death, and that we all can live forever with him. We need not fear death, if we believe in Him, for He conquered death. And if He can overcome death, the "final" act, there is nothing He cannot do.


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