Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Good Day

Today was a good day. A freind of mine, who I have not seen for about 3 years now, was in town.

First, we (and his family) met for breakfast. Afterwards, we went spelunking at the "Ape Cave", which is located about 2 hours away. Having come all the way from Indiana, they had hoped to see Mt. St. Helens too, but today was too overcast for that. Hopefully, they'll be able to see it from Mt. Hood tomorrow, before they leave town.

We had hoped to meet-up with another friend of ours, but he couldn't make it today. They will be going rafting tomorrow, but alas, I will be at work.

When we all lived here in Portland, we used to get together every Friday night, and often Saturday afternoons as well, and play computer games. But then, things changed (as they often do) - one got married and moved to Northern California, the other abruptly left town and went back "home" to Indiana about a year or so later. We've not seen each other since then.

I hope it's not another 3 years before we can get together again, but we'll just have to wait and see.

For now, I will recall that today was a good day.


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