Sunday, April 29, 2007

"Old Man Walking..."

Yesterday, a high school friend of mine's daughter got married. That's enough to make anyone feel old. I'm no exception.

The saying "time flies..." is true; if you're not careful, you'll be 20-something one day and then the very next day (or so it will seem), you're 40-something and feeling even older.

Of course the up-side of the wedding is that I saw some old friends that I've not seen in literally years. That can make one feel young, so overall not quite a cancelling age day (but not as bad as it could have been).

It amazes me how easily it is to lose track of friends. It's rarely done on purpose, it's just life. We get so busy with ourselves that we often put-off things we should do - like call an old friend and say "How are you doing today?" We put it off until tomorrow, then tomorrow passes, then another day, and another...before you know it, 5 years (or sometimes even more) has passed.

Then there's either a funeral or a wedding which brings friends together; phone numbers and e-mail addresses are exchanged, but it doesn't take long to fall right back into the same old routine and once again years pass.

If you are reading this post and there is someone that comes to mind that you haven't talked to/written to/e-mailed, don't let another day go by. Call, write, or e-mail them today. If they live close to you, make lunch plans and catch-up with one another. Believe me, you'll be glad you did.


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