Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Avast, ye landlubbers! Know ye what day it be? Arrr! Aye! It be "International Talk Like a Pirate Day"!

Alas, me update t'will be short as me ship "The Frying Dutch-Pan" be drydocked and me crew be near mutiny as I make 'em scour her from stem to stern. Arrr! Would that me favorite serving wench "Diamond Girl" be here with a mug of (ginger) Ale fer me ta quaff!

So I says to meself, I says "Arrr! If'n only I's could remember where I burried me swag! That darn parrot o'mine, he went and ate the map! Arrr!"

So lift yer mugs and toast today, and remember to talk like a pirate. Beacuse Dead Men Tell No Tales!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL! I can't believe I completely missed talk like a pirate day. That makes me sad.
And S-car-go! HA!! I love that joke. My sister had a T-shirt when we were really really young with that joke on the back, and a picture of an "S-Car" going on the front LOL Great stuff.
We recently accompanied some friends (the cambodian ones) to a high class hotel & casino, where they took us to dine in a VERY swanky restaurant. The husband ordered Escargot, which came with about 9 to an order, and he and Michael (my dad) ate them all! Whereas the smell alone nearly made me lose my delicious meal. UGH!
Apparently our friends, before escaping Cambodia, ate whatever snails they cound find just to survive. Lordie, I hate communism.

21/9/07 08:25  

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