Sunday, July 22, 2007

Poetry 201

Like all of us, at one time or another, I have gone through some "dark times" in my life. They are never fun. If I had my druthers, we’d never have to go through them; but alas, that is not for me to say. Still, I’ve never known them to "last forever", though at times it does seem that they do.

Recently, I found myself going through another dark time. Unlike many other ones, I had been ‘dabbling’ with my poetry and managed to ‘ink-out’ a few verses. Some are "unfinished", though perhaps they really are and I just don’t realize it.

I have decided to share some of them because what good are any creative works (paintings, photographs, writings, etc.) if they are never seen/read/heard by anyone? I’m not trying to elicit sympathy, but then again, I’m not going to tell you what you should (or should not) feel either.

Some of them are, I think, some of my better work...


A long time ago, at least so it seems,
I used to have goals, I used to have dreams.
But one by one they have all disappeared;
They just seemed to have vanished, it's really quite weird.

I'm not sure I know just when it did happen,
Most likely real slow, over years, I imagine.
But one thing's for sure, at it really is so,
I've no more dreams, by which I can go.

"My Heart is Broken" (Unfinished?)

My heart is broken. My spirit is crushed. My dreams are shattered. I am a broken man.

"Heartache Surrounds Me" (Unfinished?)

Heartache surrounds me; sorrow fills my nights; and my days are long, indeed.
For she whom I have feelings for has cause my soul to bleed.

She said she cared, but I can't recall any actions by her that show
To me her words were true; instead her actions say it's not so.

"Will My Heart Ever Learn to Love Again?" (Unfinished?)

Will my heart ever learn to love again? Will joy return to my soul?
These questions I ask with sincerity; for truly, I do not know.


How does it feel to be doomed by love? How does it feel to be cursed?
For love unrequited is truly just that; It's the one thing that truly is worst.

It's a hole in one's heart, an ache in one's soul, a longing that goes unfulfilled;
A desire unanswered; no joy can be found. Many poets have this subject quilled.

All of my life, I too, have been cursed; for no other love have I known.
First-hand do I know how gut-wrenching it is to always find oneself alone.

Now and then I will meet someone nice who I think may finally come liberate me;
But "I don't like you 'that' way." is what they all say, then they turn and away from me flee.

So I'm left here alone with my broken heart, and a spirit so totally crushed,
That oft do I doubt that they'll ever be fixed and never again will I trust.

So doomed I am, and I guess doomed I'll be, until, perhaps, one day I find
That one certain girl, whomever she is, who'll allow our two hearts to bind.

"Shattered Dreams" (Unfinished)

Shattered dreams, broken heart;
What's a poor boy like me to do?
"All is a stage, we each play a part",
But what mine is, I haven't a clue.

I ache, I pine, I thoroughly hurt;
And I can't seem to do anything right.
I feel miserable, worthless, lower than dirt.
I seem to have lost my will to fight.

"Dark are my thoughts"

Dark are my thoughts. Oh, how I wish they were not - but they are.
Heartache fills my soul. Oh, how I wish it did not - but it does.
My spirit cries-out. Oh, how I wish I had an answer - but I don't.
I am lost. Oh, how I wish I were not - but I am.

Woe, is me. Woe, is me. I have no solace; I have no comfort; I have no joy. Oh, how I wish that I did - but I do not.

"If only...", my head thinks. "If only...", my heart cries. "If only...", my spirit says. "If only...", my soul prays.

"If only..."


"Doomed" is my favorite.


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