Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Snow

Snow? In late March? In Portland, OR?


It's not a very common thing, but it does happen. Not that it's going to stick around - it's mostly slush (snow/rain mix), but the grassy areas are white, even though the streets are only wet. Of course, if it drops below freezing, the roads could be hazardous. But that's not very likely. At least at this point.

However, this is not the latest snow has fallen on Portland before. I remember driving around on July 4th one year and seeing snow falling in one of the neighborhoods on the East side. Yep - snow on July 4th. Bizarre, but true.

At least it's Friday, so if it does stick around, I won't have to worry about going to work tomorrow...

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter '08

I've heard a lot of people say, "All religions are the same.", but this is not true. True Christianity is different than any other 'religion'. (I say "true Christianity, because there are those who 'claim' to be Christians or a form of Christianity, but they do not believe the core, fundamental belief of the deity of Christ. But that is a discussion for another day.)

I defy anyone to show me any other religion where the central figure (person or deity) died for the salvation of his/her followers. And if you can (and that is a very BIG "if"), then show me where that same central figure ROSE UP FROM THE DEAD.

Easter is the celebration of the RESURRECTION of Christ; not only did He die, shedding His blood to wash us clean from our sins, but He rose from the dead, conquering death itself. And all He ever asked of us is to believe in Him and ask Him for forgiveness. He does not require you to "do" anything ("For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast.")

It's so simple. And yet, that is a stumbling block to so many people - "It can't be that simple.", they say to themselves, "There HAS to be more to it than that." But there really isn't. But don't take my word for it - go read the New Testament of the Holy Bible and see for yourself what it says.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Pi Day '08

Today, March 14, is "Pi day". Why? Because, if you don't already know, the first 3-digits of the ratio between the circumference of a circle to it's diameter, better known as "Pi" and symbolized by the lower-case, Greek letter 'Pi' (π), are 314; and today is 3-14 (duh).

So, "Happy Pi day, everyone!"

In other news:

Monday would be (of course) St. Patrick's Day. I doubt I will get a post up for that day - maybe next year. So assuming I don't, "Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!" Don't forget to wear green. Though I hear, that's only for Catholics - for Protestants, I hear it's orange, but I've never really verified this. Of course, St. Patrick was a Catholic, so green it is, as far as I'm concerned.

My home computer is still down - I really should take some time to re-build it, but I just haven't felt like it, yet (obviously).

Tax day is coming (boo!!!).

Easter is very early this year - Sunday, March 23. I hear it's the earliest it's been in nearly 200 years and it won't be this early again for another 200 years, or so. But I've not verified this either. However, I do know that Easter is on the first Sunday following the first full-moon after the vernal equinox - I did verify that this year the vernal equinox falls on Thursday, March 20 (which just happens to be my birthday, in case anyone was wondering...not that anyone was) and that there is a full-moon on Friday, March 21.

Looks like I have once again beat my friend Hcatty to publishing a new post. Hopefully, she won't be too far behind, though. I should really drop her an e-mail, as we've not chatted in some time. But with my home computer down, it makes it a little harder. I could do it from work (and I have before - shhhh...don't tell anyone), but that's not always easy to do either. Ah well - "soon", my friend, "soon"...

There's probably some other stuff, but frankly, my heart's not really into it today, so I guess I'll sign off.