Monday, June 21, 2010


I was just informed by my CPA that starting next year, and "tax preparer" who does more than 100 tax returns MUST file ALL of the ones they prepare electronically. And for 2011 taxes, those who prepare more than 10 must use e-file. Period.

Now, I don't have anything against e-file, per se; having it as an OPTION is fine. BUT I don't like the fact that it is now going to be MANDATORY (and neither does my CPA). Granted, "they" say it's faster, 'easier', catches errors 'instantaneously', which may all be true, but the whole idea of having NO CHOICE just goes against my grain. Yes, I know that before e-file, there was no other option than to snail-mail in returns, but once given options (note the plurality), to take away all the other options so you are once again left with no choice just doesn't seem right to me. Maybe it's progress.

Then again, maybe, just maybe, we're becoming too dependent on computers. What happens if - who am I kidding -WHEN hard drives fail? "But there are backups". Are there? And just how many back-ups? Hmmm? Not too mention that some of the problems with back-ups are:

1) Incompatibility issues. All over the world, companies and individuals are struggling with how to retrieve information that had been "backed-up" onto tape drive systems that will NO LONGER WORK with newer computers. I mean, unlike me, most people don't bother keeping copies of older operating systems, and even if they do, they may not be able to run on newer hardware. So you'd have to have some older hardware as well. Of course, there are other media, like microfilm, microfiche, etc. which are also rapidly becoming obsolete with no way of retrieving said info.

2) Deletion issues. With several copies of back-ups (and back-ups to back-ups), once information is entered, can it ever truly be completely deleted? No. Look at the Internet - once something is "out there", it pretty much remains "out there", somewhere.

There are other issues, but those two are my main points.

But at least (for now) "e-filing" doesn't require "automatic deposit"...yet. Just you wait - it'll be next. And that is whole other kettle of fish because "automatic deposit" opens the door for "automatic withdrawal". And if you think "But I never authorized money to be taken out of my accounts, so it can't happen", you are in for a very rude awakening.

Remember, the nine most frightening words in the English language are: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

Sunday, June 06, 2010

How to Ruin a Weekend (Without Really Trying)

There are several ways to ruin a weekend. One sure-fired way to do it, without trying, is to have a car accident. Which I did. Fortunately, no one seemed to be seriously injured. But it does bring the whole day - the whole weekend - to a screeching halt (no pun intended).

My car is (most likely) totaled.

I will not go into any details here as, even though I am more or less anonymous, it would be legally irresponsible, if not out right completely stupid, to do so. I am not implying anything by any statement here.

So, yes, my whole weekend is now ruined. But it could have been much worse, so I am quite thankful that it wasn't. Now I have to do one of the things I dread most - find another car. And with much of my 'reserve' fund being spoken for, I'll probably have to finance it, which is something else I loathe. Mind you, not that I was thinking about buying a brand new car, or an expensive one for that matter (unlike some guys, I don't really care too much about the car I drive - it is simply a mode of transportation - if we were discussing airplanes, that might be another matter), but it's also not like I just want a 'clunker' either. I do have some basic requirements: 4-door, "roomy" in the back, A/C...most of the rest is "irrelevant".

But that is something I won't have to worry about until at least tomorrow.