Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Life is unfair

Well, what I was afraid would happen, did happen. I never heard back from my friend. At least, not yet. Which of course means I did not get the chance to see her when I was up in her area this past weekend.

C'est la guerre.

And, like everyone else, when things don't go the way I would like them to go, I complain about life being unfair. Which it is, and we all know that it is. It's one of the first things our parents teach us. How many of you remember the first time someone asked you "Who said life is fair?" after you complained about life being unfair?

But then, that's it human nature - whine about the unfairness of life simply because things did not go the way we wanted them to go. But have you ever stopped to think:

What if life were fair, and that everyone got exactly what they deserved?

Wouldn't that be a truly terrible thing. Think about it. We only complain about the unfairness of life when we don't get what we want. What about all those times we got stuff we didn't deserve? What about all those times we "got away" with something?

If life were fair, then every time you exceed the speed limit, a police officer would be there to stop you and give you a ticket; every time you ran a stop light or stop sign, you'd get a ticket - or worse, you'd get into an accident.

What about all those "little" things you do in secret - the ones nobody knows about - what do you deserve for all of those?

I, for one, am thankful that life isn't fair. Of course, this doesn't mean that I'll stop complaining about life's unfairness when things don't go my way. But every time I do, I will stop and think about how terrible it would be if life were fair.

Life is unfair...that just may be the second most comforting thought in the entire universe.


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