Monday, June 12, 2006

It's Official - I'm an Uncle...again.

Last Friday (6/9/06), my brother and his wife had their first child - a girl. Her arrival marks a milestone, of sorts: all of my siblings are now married, with children (why do I hear Frank Sinatra singing in my head?). My eldest sister has one girl (so far), my other sister (who is also older than I am) has four boys, and now, my younger brother has a girl. I'm an Uncle 6-times over (woohoo?). And the count is 4 and 2.

I'm sure there are several relatives of mine wondering when it will be my turn. I suppose that's to be expected, seeing as I am still single (and childless). And with no prospects on the horizon, I guess the answer is "I don't know."

Someone actually asked me recently that when I do get married (making the assumption that I eventually will, of course), how many kids do I want. My answer may surprise you: I said "I'll have as many as my wife wants - if she wants zero, then zero; if she wants 137, then 137." Ok, I don't think I actually said "137" (I think it was "10" - something like that anyway), but it gets the point across.

So, do I think I will actually ever get married? I honestly don't know. It's not like I'm in a hurry to get married or anything, but at the same time, I'm not getting any younger.

I'm not opposed to marriage. When people ask me why I'm not married, I tell them "Because no woman in her right mind would marry me...then again, I don't know if I'd want to marry a woman who's in her right mind." It usually get's a laugh - which it's supposed to. I then seriously answer "Either I haven't found her, or she hasn't found me, or both."

In the mean time, I guess I'll just have to settle for the role of Uncle. It's not such a bad job - I can get them all hopped-up on sugar, then send them home where they'll be bouncing off the walls until they collapse into a sugar coma.

Ah, such fun.


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