Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Hardest Thing

What's the hardest thing for a person to do? I realize that's an open-ended question, and a lot of people will first think of some physical activity, like lifting a really heavy weight. But without any restrictions, lifting any heavy weight can be easy, if you use the right tools and apply a little logic. There are other types of physical activities which are indeed hard, but I personally think that the hardest thing to do has nothing to do with "physical", but rather "psychological". For some people, apologizing is very difficult. But is there something more universally difficult? I think there is.

The Bible tells us to "...pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you..." (Matt. 5:44). I think this gets my vote for the hardest thing a person can do. If not "the" hardest, it is certainly one of the hardest (and at least in the top 5). I have been struggling with this.

There is a person where I work that fits this description perfectly. He has, on several occasions, stabbed me in the back (metaphorically speaking, of course), and yet when he needs something from me, he's all smiles and supportive. I don't know if he thinks I'm stupid, or if I'm just oblivious to his working against me.

For the record, I'm neither stupid nor oblivious. But I digress...

There was a specific instance at work which got me thinking just how hard it is to "pray for those which despitefully use you". But knowing this is what I'm supposed to do, I try. But as I say, it is a very hard thing to do. For one thing, exactly what am I supposed to pray for? A blessing? Well, in the same verse, it says "...bless them that curse you..." so I suppose that would not be out-of-line. On the other hand, I can't help but feel that would be rewarding someone for their poor behavior. But then again, that's not for me to decide.

Of course, I'm not "singled out" by this person. On the contrary, he behaves the same towards several others. About the only one he doesn't treat this way is the "Big Cheese" himself (but then, that would be career suicide; and though this person is an idiot, he's not stupid).

But that doesn't really help me with my dilemma. I am responsible for my actions, and no one else's. It doesn't matter what others do; it only matters what I do. So I keep trying.

Perhaps, one day, I'll even get it right.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Happy New Year '08

Ok, so, once again I'm a little late in wishing everyone a "Happy New Year!" Oh well.

I'm not sure exactly what to post, though. The obvious thing would be something about new beginnings, but last year's post covers that pretty well and so would be repetitive. Not that there's anything wrong with being repetitive.

Then again, being reminded about new beginnings can be a good thing. I mean, even I fail to follow my own advice at times. But I don't really like to have 'the same' posts - it somehow feels like 'cheating'. Not that there's anything wrong with being repetitive.

Still, there should be enough things going on that I shouldn't have to resort to 'copying' a previous post. Not that there's anything wrong with being repetitive.

But I think that holidays pose a special problem. I mean, every year you have the same holidays, and for the same reason, so it's difficult to not be at least somewhat repetitive when discussing holidays. Not that there's anything wrong with being repetitive.

So perhaps I shouldn't be so hard on myself when I think of repeating posts or posting similar posts, especially when it's a 'holiday' post. Perhaps I just think I'm more creative than I actually am and that's why I don't like to be repetitive.

Not that there's anything wrong with being repetitive...