Monday, December 03, 2007

"Don't Bug Me 'Til Monday"

I'm on vacation this week (woohoo!) least I am for now. As happens occasionally, I may be called back in to work, if one of my clients decides that their arbitrary deadline is really necessary. I hope not.

Guess we'll see. In the mean time, I plan on doing as little as possible, though I do need to clean the house (hmmm...sometimes I think it would be easier to sell the house and move...but then again, I'd probably still have to clean it...).

As I was trying to think of a title for today's post, I recalled a tee-shirt that I used to have. It was one of my favorites. I used to wear a lot of tee-shirts. Not the undergarment, but the printed ones - you know, like the ones with the big smiley face on it with "Have a Nice Day!" printed underneath? Anyway, I had one which I really liked; I wore it every Friday (well, ok...perhaps almost every Friday). It had a picture of a duck slumping-down in an easy chair, eyes half-closed, tongue sticking out, a TV remote in one hand, and a cup of hot coffee in the other (Ok, ok - since you couldn't see into the cup, it could have been any hot beverage - coffee, tea, coacoa...and yes, it was hot because they put in some "steam" lines above the cup...but I digress...). It had "Weekend T-Shirt" above the picture with the caption "Don't Bug Me 'Til Monday" below the picture. It was great.

Seeing as how I'm on vacation all this week and not expected back in to the office until next Monday, it seemed an appropriate title today.


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