Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Frustration with Clients

Why is it that everyone always wants their stuff at the same time? I have three different projects that I'm currently working one that are due "this week". Yesterday, one client says "it'd be great if we can get your stuff Wednesday, so we can incorporate it with our stuff to go out on Friday." Um...yeah - 'great'. Before I went on vacation, they told me they would like the stuff by the 14th, which is Friday - now they've cut two whole days off of that target. "Great" - yeah, that's the word I'd use.

To make matters worse, I get an e-mail today from another client asking if they could get their stuff tomorrow, instead of Friday as well. Sure - why not? It's not like I need to sleep or anything. Sheesh!

So far, my third client hasn't asked for an accelerated delivery, but I'm sure that's the next phone call or e-mail just waiting around the corner.


Update from last post: No, I didn't get called in to work during my vacation, but the next best thing did occur - I got a bug (cold, flu, whatever) on Wednesday, which put me "out" on Thursday, and recovering on Friday (it's always a 3-day cycle - always). So this vacation was shot. 2 weeks down, 1 to go (between Christmas and New Year's) - maybe I'll have better luck with this next one.

Yeah, I'm not sure I believe that either.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, it's even better when they schedule the final closing, and then don't have it, so all the contracts become void, but they still want to tie people up in the deal, and then nobody gets paid and we're all still stuck and the CONTRACT'S NOT EVEN VALID!

...whoo. That was cathartic.

18/12/07 05:25  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry for the tardiness of this post. Internet is completely freakin punking out on me. And yes, I said "punking out".

2 points for effort.

18/12/07 05:27  

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