Thursday, October 26, 2006

How Much is too Much?

It's not always easy being "the successful one" in the family. Time was, my oldest sister and her husband were the "go to" people when it came to money. Not any more. For several years now, that moniker has fallen on me. I don't want it to sound like my family is a bunch of moochers - they're not. And I don't want to sound like I begrudge helping/giving - I don't (no, really, I don't); if I have it and you need it, I'll give it.

Note that I did not say "lend" - I don't "lend" money. I learned that lesson a long time ago. You see, if you "lend", that implies that you expect to get it back. What's wrong with that, you ask? Nothing, per se. But what happens if you never get it back? Most people would get angry, then resentful, then bitter. Bitterness is a terrible curse (yes, curse) - I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I've seen the damage bitterness can cause.

No, it's better to follow the advice in the Bible - if you give, give without expecting re-payment - count it "lost". That means that you do not go around reminding people that you 'gave' them anything. You don't hold it over their head. You don't go around telling other people that you once 'gave' so-and-so some money and you've never seen it again. Once it leave your hand, just forget that you ever had it. Trust me, life is a lot more enjoyable that way.

But how much is too much? I don't mind giving, but am I supposed to put myself in debt to help out others, especially when it's family? Honestly, I don't know.

Most of us will do a lot more for family, than we would anyone else. And so it should be. But there are limits, even with family. And I think I have reached that limit. I must draw a line - "this far, and no farther".

I do find it funny, though. It seems I just get my creditline paid down under $10,000, when someone else has a crisis. It's happened the last four times or so. I can't help but laugh.

Maybe God is trying to tell me something? Exactly what that would be, though, I do not know.


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